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Craw 187 (1801 1803)     Download  Report 

Jan Ladislav Dussek (Dusík) (1760 1812)
d i t e i b h r o p n t i o u
t r i b i s d r e d n a t r i n p r e l i a r c e m m o c – ) e s n e l i c s ...


Música y texto:     Download  Report 

OH, FORTUNA Poemaparapiano
DAVID RUIZ MOLINA Dedicada a mi amigo ypianista Oscar Román !"# , 9&%'(84 C5&+,...

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Did you know?

Unlike the "generic" search engines, Kooplet enables to search musical scores on the Internet for a note pattern. It can also search the text stored within these files (e.g. lyrics) for words or sentence.