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J'ai fait mes premiers pas musicaux au conservatoire de Villeneuve la Garenne (P...     Download  Report 

Eric LOFFLER Arrangeur, Compositeur France, Eaubonne
A propos de l'artiste
A propos de la pièce Titre: Compositeur: Arrangeur: Licence: Instrumentation: P...
Staff #3 Bar 34   
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Alexander's Feast No: 22: Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries     Download  Report 

G F Handel
Some slight attempt has been made to match this computer-generated version of th...
Staff #5 (Synth strings, etc) Bar 73   
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Unlike the "generic" search engines, Kooplet enables to search musical scores on the Internet for a note pattern. It can also search the text stored within these files (e.g. lyrics) for words or sentence.